Wednesday 11 April 2012

Avoid the Freshman 15

    I think for almost every student that is in some form of post-secondary schooling, has been faced with "freshman fifteen". Not all are affected by it but most definitely they all know about it. Avoiding the freshman fifteen is definitely a challenge and I'm sure I will be faced with it next year. Having the freedom to walk down to the residence cafe and be surrounded by pizza, chocolate and chips it is going to be hard to resist. Looking for the healthier options will be something I have to make sure I do in order to avoid the freshman fifteen.

As well, I have to make sure to stay fit so even if I do sneak something unhealthy, I can work it off at the gym. Making sure I go to the gym and have the will-power to actually get out of my bed...will be the most important thing. Especially since the residence I want to stay in is far from the gym and Western, that will be a struggle for me. Knowing I could either stay in my bed watching television on my laptop or walk 20 minutes to the gym..doesn't seem like that much of a question now but I know I need to change my mentality.

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