Monday 16 April 2012

University Living

     Like I've stated before, next year I will be going off to university. I'm so excited but the major concern I have is about my health. Since university is a huge change to ones life, it is easy to forget about staying healthy and active while going through such a change. While I will be meeting new friends, studying and getting adjusted to my new surroundings, it will definitely be hard to make time for working out. My goal for myself is to AT LEAST go to the gym once a week. Since that is only a small goal, I hope to make eating healthy a large goal. This is because while working out is hard to find time to do, eating healthy is something I will be able to do everyday. While reading tips from university students, I learned simply and easy steps that will help me with my goal of eating healthy.

     Even though for my first year in university I will be on a 'meal plan', I have tried to find quick and cheap meals I can make for myself. This will benefit me greatly throughout my years at university since I will be able to save money while still eating healthy.

     This video gives tips for students on how to stay within a budget for food. She discusses the importance of coupons, buying in bulk and sharing. She gives simple suggestions that are very valuable to a prospective student like me. Watching videos such as these really will help me next year as I can share my knowledge with my new friends at university. As well, this blog will help me greatly as I will have something to look back at and give me motivation to eat healthy and stay fit!

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