Monday 9 April 2012

Why I chose this topic!

     I decided to focus my blog on physical fitness and getting in shape, as that has been something on my mind lately. Since I will be leaving home and going off to university in the fall, I want to be knowledgeable on how to maintain good health and eating right. As I've heard, staying in shape at university is rather hard as it becomes very low on ones list of priorities. That is another reason as to why I wanted to focus my blog on this topic, so I can have something to look back on and motivate me if I begin to fall behind. As of right now I know little about cooking, let alone cooking healthy and affordable meals. Since in university the main meals students eat are often from fast food places, I would like to know how I can incorporate healthy meals into my life, while staying on a student budget. I have made a list of food rules I will set for myself, they are:

1) Eat a healthy breakfast EVERYDAY (I don't think I've eaten breakfast this whole week..)

2) Limit times I go out for fast food.

3) If I do go out for fast food, choose a healthier option, i.e. Subway

4) Avoid eating unhealthy food at late hours of the night.

5) Always choose water when getting a beverage, no soda.

     Therefore, I will dedicate a large portion of my blog to the eating healthy aspect as well as a large portion going to physical fitness. The gym is literally one of my worst enemies and we rarely meet... I know however this needs to change. The school I want to go to next year is Western, and I know they have an amazing gym at their school. As well, first year students get a free membership for the entire year, which I hope to use a lot. In order for me to use it however, I need to know how to work the machines. This is a large part of why I don't go to the gym, because I don't know how to use a lot of the machines and it is embarrassing. Therefore I intend to use this blog to teach me techniques and tips for the gym.

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