Monday 16 April 2012


     For myself, the most important thing I will need to have in order to achieve my goals is motivation. Without it there is no way I will eat healthy or try to stay fit. That is why I am happy I made a blog focusing on this topic, so I will have something to look back on and remember why I wanted to do it in the first place. I've decided that next year at university I want to have a couple motivational posters that will help me stay focused. Watching videos about motivation I was intrigued by Nike's commercials. For example, 'my better is better than your better', is a great video that pumps up its viewers. Between the visuals and music I literally felt myself being motivated to work out just from watching this video.
         Since I've explained below how I want to eat healthy and put such a big focus on that, I need to remember that staying fit is also very important. I think I will maintain my goal of going to the gym at least once a week if I remain motivated to do so. If I set a designated time to do so everyday, I should be able to make it a habit and not have it interfere with my school work. I'm hoping that whoever I get as my roommate next year will have the same goal as me to stay fit and healthy. That would be great since we could both motivate each other and stay focused. If I don't get a roommate like that however, I can always look back to this blog and remember why I made it. I will make sure I accomplish my goals and stay motivated!

    Lastly, for a little more motivation...

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